Sunday, February 7, 2010


I must confess I don't watch the Superbowl for the commercials. In fact, each football season Brad counts his lucky stars that sometimes I get more excited for the games than he does. I think I owe that to my mom for raising me with Steve Young, first downs, and onside kicks. Although I cheered for the 9ers growing up, marrying a Chicago man came with the conversion to Da Bears, which was easily done. So these days, unless Da Bears are in the Superbowl or I'm with a group of people, Brad and I usually just watch the game.

Anyway, I was checking my email during the third quarter tonight when the game went to the commercials so I just let it run through and this ad came on...

...did I miss out on other adorable ads from google? It's been a LONG time since I've seen a commercial that I immediately wanted to watch again. It reminds me of that part in Sleepless in Seattle when Rosie O'donnell and Meg Ryan talk about crying over the commercial, "where the daughter gives her mom the refrigerator with a red bow." And like Rosie, this one "kills me." I'm just gonna go ahead and blame the overly-emotionalness again on the pregnancy.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Alright, I'm here patiently awaiting the news:)