Friday, February 26, 2010


Road Trip. We are headed to Naperville this weekend so Brad can attend a Dental Conference – so if you’re in Chicago this weekend this explains the large concentration of people with inexplicably white teeth. It will be nice to get in these last trips before La Burrito arrives and we don’t have to pack as much stuff or people into our tiny car. So let’s be honest Brad drives the entire time (I commute ten hours a week and he claims he gets sick unless he’s driving – fine by me!) so we always listened to books on tape during road trips. Since we’ve lived here we’ve gone through all the Harry Potters and now I’ve got him hooked on the Hunger Games trilogy. We will be listening to Catching Fire this weekend, which I’m very excited about (side note – Did you hear? The third book comes out in August and it's called The Victors. I’m intrigued. EDIT - actually it's going to be called Mockingjay ... I knew that... The Victors was the old title and I mixed them up! Thanks Ash.). Plus Brad is one of those people that gets really in to a story line and wants to know how everything unfolds before it actually happens. Perfect example: I’ve been watching all the seasons of Felicity on DVD lately and Brad will come in demanding if Felicity and Ben are getting back together for the 5th time or if their broken up for good. Needless to say it’s fun to torture him by withholding information.

American Idol. We’re watching it, and we’ve come up with nicknames for everyone because who bothers to learn names at this point? And our favorite right now is Neck Tattoo… who we actually call Javier… yes, after the most famous Dean and Deluca manager.

I told you we’ve been watching a lot of Felicity. He’s our favorite guy because he’s the only one who doesn’t give us second hand embarrassment so far this season. Also, “fun” game: can you name all the American Idol winners in order? I could not. I don’t know which is sadder, that I forgot two or that I knew six. Don’t answer that.

Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show. Don’t worry I didn’t miss it – how could I when I wrote it in my planner 4 months ago? I don’t know why it took me more than a week to blog about it. Here are my two thoughts:

- I’m so glad the Whippet didn’t win. I had a friend in High School with one of those. CRAZIEST DOG EVER. She would run laps in their living room for hours. And what’s the point of a dog that doesn’t snuggle?

- I was of course rooting for the French Bulldog but I was happy with the Scotty winning. I love a dog that talks like Sean Connery and wears a jaunty plaid hat. Admit it – you think it too!

True story: To go in person is on my list things I want to do before I die. Word on the street is that you have to get tickets years in advance.

LA BURRITO. This wouldn’t be a post without a mention of the baby. Not much to report, she’s still in there growing and kicking. But PS - About 100 days until my due date. That’s insanity. If you're looking to waste some time, there is this sweet baby name website where you can find the most popular names for your state, city, even down to the hospital. The #1 boy’s name at the OTHER hospital in our city? Praize. Aaaaand that’s why I chose to deliver elsewhere. Although Praize Carn does have a nice sound to it, I sure am a fan of the Z. (Actually both are great hospitals, the only reason I chose the hospital I did is I have a much higher chance of having a single room. I saw that episode where Rachel waits around forever while 20 other women deliver before her, no thankyouverymuch.)


ashley said...

I heard the book was going to be called Mockingjay! Weird. I like the Victors better though. Can't wait to check out that site!

jenny said...

I'm so excited to see you! WAAAAAH