Wednesday, January 6, 2010


So here is the little one relaxing and not giving us the money shot. Doesn't it kind of look like the hand is behind the head and the baby is saying, "Stop bothering me, oh and bring me more grapes." You can kind of see the leg and the other fist, but the arm was moving around so it looks more blurry.

Here are the cute little feet and toes.

And there are the legs curled up and shut, you can see the feet tucked up together... the rascal.


Carn Family said...

What a bummer that you were not able to find out. He/She looks cute. Better luck when you go again in a few weeks!

Kristin said...

Oh. My. Gosh. I'm looking at your baby. This is crazy! I'm so excited for you guys! He/she looks cute and a little sassy. Love you, hope you're feeling well, can't wait to her more about baby c!

jenny said...

So exciting!!! Wahhh! I feel like Rachel when they're like, "You still can't see it can you?" I can never see babies in these things. I know baby c is going to be so cuteeeeee though!!! Love it! How are you feelin!?

Ellie said...

It's official..its name is going to be HeShe...

ashley said...

I love that first one, so cute! I can't wait to find out!!