[Note to potential criminals/thugs/evil people that try to use these pictures to case our home, please kindly do not. 99% of our belongings were either free or came from Ikea/Goodwill. Also, we have a rabid dog, an excellent security system, Brad can bench press 800 pounds, and I've seen A LOT of Alias. Thanks.]
KITCHEN: Since this is the only place in the house that we get internet our kitchen table is probably the most well used area. The back door opens into this space and BONUS you can see our ONE FOOT of counter space. It makes cooking extra exciting.
DINING ROOM: From the kitchen you walk into the dining room. Mostly this room is used for Brad's crap. Since he doesn't use his den and the kitchen is either freezing in the winter or 1000 degrees in the summer this is where he spreads out his stuff. Usually you can find binders, papers, change, random clothes, empty glasses, and Brad taking a classroom style nap. BONUS#2, notice The Captain hung in the corner? That was gifted from Brad's parents. He grew up with The Captain and we are delighted that he watches over our dining room. Although, I usually feel like we should be eating shrimp and crab cakes with him there.
BEDROOM: Walking from the dining room you come to the middle of the house. Here you can see four doors within 2 feet (2 closets, bathroom, bedroom). Walking in to our bedroom you will find many a jimmy-rigged item. The piece of furniture holding our TV is Brad's mother's folding table (which we will return someday!) covered with a table cloth. In the right corner you can see a light green curtain. That is actually a little nook that was once a door onto the back porch. Someone once closed it off from the outside so it's just a random useless door. We mounted up a high shelf and hung a curtain rod to create another "closet" to hide a dresser and some plastic drawers. I hung sheer white curtains but the light is so bright you can't really see them.
[Normally we have a brown duvet cover, but it was in the wash]
BATHROOM: Also off of the center of the house is the bathroom. It's long and narrow and I have discovered through chipped paint that it was once pink. That is one tiny space for such a special color. These pictures actually make it look smaller than it is. There isn't a lot of wiggle room, but you don't feel claustrophobic. Also, a bathroom with no counter? That was definitely a man's idea.DEN: This is Brad's den that is never used. Honestly the desk is too small for him to do much and we don't get internet access. So pretty much this room should be called the file/printer room. I will have no problem kicking him out to make this into a nursery at some point.
HALLWAY: I actually like our long entry way. BONUS#3, you can see the fake chandelier. The lighting in this house is top notch. The living room has no lighting, our bedroom just has four light bulbs screwed in, the kitchen and dining room both have florescent, and at the other end of this hallway is a gothic-esque hanging fixture (not pictured).LIVING ROOM: This is by far the biggest room in the house (and it has no lighting, that's why there are 3 lamps) but I think we've managed to spread out our stuff enough to fill it up. This room also shows how high our ceilings are; we lucked out with 14 footers. We don't hear a peep from our upstairs neighbors. Our couch was a $30 purchase from Goodwill. Don't worry, I cleaned the crap out of that sucker, scotch guarded it, and then bought a slip cover so we weren't stuck with bright blue (Ash and K, remember the couch from #27? Yeah, that color blue.)
BOOK SHELVES: These pictures make it look like we live in a fun house, but I promise it's just a weird illusion because of the camera angle. These are the shelves that I Ikea Hacked. They came in that light pale beach wood color, which did not match. So I primed, painted and then lined the backs with retro poster paper. It's probably the most crafty I've ever been. Also, in these pictures you can see a corner of the blue couch from when I was washing the slip cover.
And that is a tour of our house. Come visit, we have an excellent air match and a nice big living room to set it up in. I know that my mom is probably the only one still reading but thanks! It almost felt like I was doing a sneak peak for Design Sponge.
This is Chris, I read the entire post and I am pissed that you have the Captain. You have Krammer, why would you need the Captain also?
I actually FELT like a was reading a post on design sponge! I love your funhouse bookshelves - especially the great lining on the back. You've done a great job with everything. Love the lamp in the bathroom and the way you've hung artwork and photos on the walls. Very nice, girl.
Your post was not boring, instead I even gained insight into the life of the Carns. Plus we have been searching for skinny side tables for our couch and your bedside tables would be perfect! They looked like Hemnes from IKEA but when I searched their website, no luck. ::Sign:: Our search continues.
loved the tour! i'm glad to see you still have the closet/curtain apparatus!
Cute!! You did such a good job. You've inspired me, I need to hang stuff on my walls. You were always good with that. Maybe you should come to SD and help me. I love it! Hopefully I'll be able to come up and see it in person!
Yayyy! I'm so glad you posted the pics, I love what you've done with the place! Sister, you have inherited some seriously cool furniture. I particularly love everything in the dining room. That writing desk below the captain is fab, and also the little cart in the corner is awesome. And your dining table while we're at it. They all have so much character, I LOVE. And I also love your floors, and the exposed brick in the living room. Also, seriously impressed with both the bookshelf project and that you managed to find such a well-fitting slipcover. I'm getting carried away here. I love it! Thanks for the pictures.
I love the Captain! IT belongs in that house on Balboa Island that looks like a boat with all the windows and fishing equipment...
Your house looks beautiful! Love the maps and the bricks. I miss you.
It's so cute, but then again Bridget can make anything cute...look what she did for Brad! Ohhhh snap.
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