Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Oh, to be in high school in the 60’s. My mom tells stories of wearing fake eyelashes everyday (to school!), literally ironing her hair, and sleeping positioned to preserve her expertly coifed beehive. Wasn’t it a magical time? Look at her prom photo. The gloves, the bangs (which are oddly similar to my own), the corsage? And I bet my aunt made her the dress. Plus check out her date!

I originally stole this picture when Kristin and I wanted to try out beehives (pre-Amy Winehouse), which never happened but I kept the photo ever since. Then a few months ago my Mom came to visit and asked, “Why do you have a picture of me and Gene Kelly on your fridge?” ...WAIT. Gene Kelly? As in Singing In the Rain? Your prom date shares his name with Don Lockwood? Awesome. This Gene Kelly played Will Parker to my mom’s Ado Annie in their high school production of Oklahoma! – and trust me when I say that words cannot express how much money I’d be willing to pay to see that. Dang slow developing technology!

On a side note. I didn’t post anything for her this past Sunday but I must say that I lucked out with a pretty excellent mom. I am currently realizing her exceptional awesomeness more and more every day - for her beauty, her smarts and her ability to create the perfect beehive.


Kristin said...

Ow ow!! She looks so glamorous. Our high school photos are nowhere near as cool.

And why did we give up on the beehive? we totally could have brought it back ( if we had ever figured out how to do it)

ashley said...

I think you're right about Glee. The ads for it say it's a preview event. Boo.