Sunday, July 13, 2014


I didn't realize this but when I started editing photos for this post they were all of Reagan! But it truly represents Finley's interest in posing for pictures. She can not handle looking at a camera. Reagan is starting to get that way, but no nearly as bad as Finley. Most pictures I have of Finley looking at the camera involve her making some very strange faces with her hands contorted weirdly. Hopefully she'll regret her non-compliance when she's older and realizes she has no normal pictures of herself at age 4 because it's so frustrating to me right now. Anyway, that was not the point of this post!

Lately we have spent every day in our swim suits, and I'm not complaining! It means a lot of sunscreen and washing of towels, but it's worth it. The girls love the water (Reagan even pushes us away when we try to hold her now - thank goodness for puddle jumpers!) and the water is hard to avoid when Birmingham has so many water options. We've got the lake, the pool, our own backyard, the splashpad... And all these places will become infinitely less crowded once school starts at the beginning of August.

About half the pictures I have of Reagan are of her eating. She's going to love that when she's older. She is a good snacker, she loves to graze like her mama.

 And here is the obligatory belly shot. This is me at 30 weeks. This little guy doesn't have a name that we can agree on. He moves so much I actually did an online search for, "is there such a thing as too much fetal movement." Turns out there isn't such a thing. But when I brought it up to my doctor he said over the years a few women have described movements as seizure like (exactly the words I used to describe them to Brad) and he said I shouldn't be concerned. So we'll see. It probably just means this little guy is going to be feisty and never sleep. Hooray. So my poor nameless third-born child, please get your wiggles out now.

1 comment:

Kate said...

You are so adorable! Congrats on #3!!! I am trying to convince P that we need to have another. I need another change at a little princess. We shall see! Big hugs!