Wednesday, September 19, 2012


*Reagan is such a sweet cuddly girl. She loves to smile and spends most of her waking hours with her eyes open extremely wide taking notes on everything. 
*She occasionally squeaks high pitched sounds that Finley thinks are endlessly hilarious (so do I). *When she gets excited she kicks her legs furiously.
*She is still iffy on taking a pacifier but is getting a little better. Her favorite is to suck on her pointer finger knuckle or her wrist.
*She wakes up every morning with a stuffy nose.
*Her eyes are still a slate grey color - but I swear sometimes they have a greenish tint to them.
*She is still sleeping in a bassinet on the floor of our room. I refuse to believe she is old enough to sleep in a crib. Even though Finley started sleeping in a crib at six weeks. Plus her nursery is not anywhere close to being done - so the less I have to go in the room the less stress I feel to get it completed.

* She has started laughing. It's awesome. I forgot the lengths a parent will go to in order to make their baby laugh. Truly ridiculous things are done. Right now she seems to think the phrase, "I love your belly!" is especially humorous.
* Finley has started getting a little more physical with her and I think Reagan is starting to learn that a little crying will make the big sister shenanigans stop quickly.
* She still pulls a killer lower lip quivering when she's sad.
* She sleeps with her hands above her head like she's just kicked a field goal.
* She still HATES her carseat. But it's getting a little better.
* She still LOVES the Baby Bjorn. It's like magic. I put her in it and she falls right to sleep.
* At her last appointment she measured right at the 50% for weight, height, and head. So she's a perfectly average baby size wise. But I've gotten a few comments lately that she looks well fed. I think it's the double (triple??) chin. I love it.

* We always joke that Brad doesn't even know Reagan. But the truth is it's true, and it's really sad. It's so rare that he holds her that I often pull the camera out just to document it. See? SO sad. Here's recent proof that Brad did hold Reagan in the last week and she snuggled right up. A double whammy.

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