Friday, November 11, 2011


Only the luckiest girl in the world would get to have TWO Halloweens. One in California and one in Utah. I'm pretty sure she had no idea what was going on when we were in California. Balboa had a street party for all the kids and a few stores gave out candy and popcorn. They also had a live band where the kids could dance. I was a little weary of her getting lost in the crowd so she only did a little bit of dancing but she did manage to eat the Kit-Kat I handed her including half the wrapper. Oh well. Hopefully their won't be any long lasting affects.

If you can't tell, she was a cowgirl for Halloween. I was seriously lacking in the creativity department this year and kind of went with this idea by default. I'm crossing my fingers I still have next year to decide for her.

And this was her night of Tick-or-Treating in Utah. She didn't know what was going on at first but after she got to knock on the first door that's all the she cared about. She wasn't really even interested in the candy, she just wanted to go up to every possible door and keep knocking. At each new door she would knock and then shake with laughter and anticipation waiting for them to open the door. It was so much fun.

When we brought her back to my mom's house she was none too pleased - as you can tell.

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