Wednesday, March 16, 2011


We've had our Flip camera for about a year and I've never gotten around to trying to load something on to our blog. This was my attempt at getting Finley's silent laugh on camera but of course she just wasn't being a professional so I settled for a regular old laugh. She's totally not getting her paycheck today.

But I guess she's pretty cute anyway. I love how excited she gets! Why is baby laughter especially infectious? Have you seen this video? Finley used to do that exact same thing too. Parenting would be much more difficult if babies weren't so dang adorable.

PS - It's grainy because of bad lighting not because our camera doesn't rock, because it does. We love it.


David and Jana said...

cute thing!

Anonymous said...

I love your blog. It makes me feel like we see you more often than we do. She is so adorable. I don't know how you get anything done.

Grandma Diane

Kjell Crowe said...

she looks so much like brad